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Article 1. Name, Domicile and Business Year.

  1. The association's name is: The European Laser Institute
  2. Once entered into the Registry of Associations, the name is to carry the appendage 'e.V.' (eingetragener Verein / registered association).
  3. The association is domiciled in Aachen.
  4. The association's business year is the calendar year.



Article 2. Aims and Objectives

  1. The association's objective is to promote scholarship, research, innovation and the exchange of ideas in the field of laser technology. Every technology or system for creating, enhancing, shaping, transmitting, measuring or utilising laser beams belongs to such scholarship, research, innovation or exchange, as does the very basis for such beams in natural science.
  2. The aims of the articles are realised in particular by:
    • Promoting cooperation between members, in order to make innovations in laser technology usable in practice as quickly as possible
    • Creating a pan-European
    • network of people involved in laser technology research and development, of users of the technology and of those involved in making its use more widespread.
    • Developing and operating a pan-European platform on which laser technology supply and demand is brought together
    • Promoting and supporting workshops, conferences and congresses
    • Developing, operating and certifying advanced training and qualifications programmes
    • Developing, operating and certifying courses of scientific study
    • Encouraging the next generation of scientists and researchers by putting up
    • and awarding international grants and research prizes
    • Cooperating with other national and international research groups
    • Encouraging, recommending, conducting and providing administrative support for research programmes on both a national and European level
    • Encouraging, recommending, conducting and providing administrative support for national and European community research projects



Article 3. Not for Profit and Altruism

  1. The association pursues aims that are exclusivelyand directly not for profit, as defined in the section headed 'Tax-deductible activities' in the General Tax Code.
  2. The association operates on an altruistic basis.It does not primarily pursue aims for its own commercial purposes.
  3. The association's funds are exclusively earmarked for financing functions prescribed by these articles and may only be used for such purposes. No allowances are payable to members from the association's funds. Cash expenditure is only permitted if supported by proof of purchase.
  4. No individual may benefit from disbursements for any reason that is contrary to the aims of the membership as a whole, nor may anyone receive emoluments at disproportionate levels.
  5. Retiring members have no call on the association's assets.



Article 4. Membership

  1. The following may belong to the association:
    • Ordinary members
    • Honorary members
  2. (2) Ordinary membership is open to all interested parties, whether individuals or bodies corporate, regardless of nationality, who sign up to the aims of the association as set out in the articles and undertake, whether actively or passively, to promote these aims.
  3. Honorary members are proposed by the Executive Committee or the Advisory Council and appointed by members at a general assembly.
  4. Admission as an ordinary member is by written application to the Executive Committee. Decisions on admission are made by the Committee. If an application is declined, an ultimate decision is required from a general assembly of the members.
  5.  The association levies membership fees. The level of annual fees applied may vary from member to member. The details are governed by the rules on membership fees. Honorary members do not pay fees.
  6. The shortest period of membership is one year. It may be ended by giving written notice to the Executive Committee three months before the end of the business year. Membership shall also end in the event of:
    • death, in the case of individuals, or closure, in the case of corporate entities;
    • expulsion, which can be brought about by a decision of the members at a general assembly in the event of a breach of the articles or behaviour that is detrimental to the association. A majority of two-thirds of the members present is required for such a decision. The member in question must also be given an opportunity at such a meeting to put his or her case.



Article 5. Members' Rights and Duties

  1. Members have the right to call upon the association's assistance in all areas related to its aims and objectives. They are also entitled to participate in all association events and members' general assemblys, at which they have the right to vote.
  2. Members undertake to make every effort to promote the association's aims and objectives, to adhere to the provisions of the articles and to honour decisions made by the association's various bodies.



Article 6. Bodies of the Association

  1.  The association bodies are:
    1. the Members' General Assembly
    2. the Executive Committee
    3. the Advisory Council
  2. Members of association bodies perform their functions on a voluntary basis.



Article 7. General Assemblys

  1. An ordinary general assembly of the members is to be convened by the Executive Committee at least once a year.
  2. An extraordinary general assembly is to be called by the Executive Committee if it is in the best interests of the association so to do, or if at least 10 percent of members call in writing for an assembly, stating their reasons and the purpose for which they wish the assembly to be convened. In all other respects the terms of ordinary general assemblys apply accordingly.
  3. The Executive Committee convenes a general assembly by sending written notice to each member, enclosing an agenda. Such notice must be sent to members at least two weeks prior to the general assembly. This period begins on the day after such notices are sent. A member is deemed to have received notice of an assembly if such notice has been sent to the latest address given in writing to the association by said member. A general assembly of the members does not necessarily have to take place in the association's city of domicile. Any location within any European country may also be chosen as the location for a general assembly.
  4.  It is incumbent on members' general assemblys to perform the following duties:
    1. To elect the Executive Committee
    2. To elect the Advisory Council
    3. To elect the treasurer
    4. To take decisions on the Executive Committee's business reports, and to take all decisions in respect of discharging or relieving the Committee, and in particular the Secretary, from their duties.
    5. To decide on any changes to the article
    6. To take decisions on members' applications
    7. To appoint honorary members
    8. To set guidelines for the work of the association and its business managers
    9. To take decisions on the expulsion of members
    10. To set the level and due date for membership fees
    11. To approve the budget
    12. To agree on participation with other associations and societies
    13. To arrange, if necessary, the dissolution of the association
  5. Decisions at members' general assemblys are passed by a simple majority of those entitled to vote who are present or for whom proxies are held at the assembly. In the event of voting parity, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. Decisions that amend the association's aims or articles require a three-quarters majority of members entitled to vote who are present or for whom proxies are presented. Minutes are to be kept during the course of all general assemblys, which are to be signed by the Chairman and the minute-taker.
  6. Every duly convened ordinary or extraordinary general assembly of members shall be quorate, regardless of the number of members present.



Article 8. Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of ten members. The Executive Committee shall elect from its own number:
    1. a Chairman,
    2. a first deputy Chairman,
    3. a second deputy Chairman, and
    4. a third deputy Chairman.
  2. The Executive Committee is elected by the members' general assembly for a period of two years, beginning from the date of the election. However, the Committee remains in office until there is a new Executive Committee election. If a member leaves the Executive Committee before the due end of his or her term of office, a members' general assembly can elect a successor for the remainder of the term.
  3. In all legal and extrajudicial affairs, the association shall be represented by two members of the Executive Committee, of which one shall be the Chairman or one of the Chairman's deputies.
  4. The Executive Committee meets for committee meetings that take place at least once each half-year and of which minutes are to be taken. The Executive Committee has a quorum if at least three committee members are present. Decisions are taken by the Executive Committee based on a simple majority of votes from those present, unless otherwise prescribed by the articles. Members are to be informed about the outcome of meetings and any decisions taken. In the event of voting parity, the Chairman's vote shall count double.
  5. To perform the functions of the association, the Executive Committee may appoint a Secretary, set up offices and, as necessary, take on staff and draw up house rules for conducting the association's business.



Article 9. Advisory Council

  1. Advisory Council members are elected by a members' general assembly.
  2. The term of office for Advisory Council members is 3 years. Re-election is permitted.
  3. The function of the Advisory Council is to provide general advice for the Executive Committee and members' general assemblys.



Article 10. Finances

  1. Besides membership fees, the association is able within the scope of its works to attract public subsidies and donations, or to take on commissions financed from third-party funds.
  2. Any surpluses can be wholly or partially allocated to reserves so that the association can, as per the articles, continue to meet the conditions applicable to tax-deductible activities. No share in any surpluses may be paid to members.
  3. Properly maintained accounting records are to be kept of all income and outgoings.



Article 11. Liability

  1. The association's liability is limited to the value of its assets.



Article 12. Altering the Articles and Dissolving the Association

  1. Amendments to the articles can only be made through a three-quarters majority of members present at a general assembly. The proposed amendment must be included in the assembly agenda.
  2. A decision to dissolve the association can only be taken by a general assembly of members specifically called for the purpose. To carry such a decision, a majority of two-thirds of members present is required.
  3. Following dissolution of the association or in the event that the association's raison d'être disappears, the association's assets shall pass to the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in Munich, which shall be obliged to use them exclusively and directly for non-commercial ends.



Article 13. Memoranda, Language

The association is required to maintain a minute book and to keep in it memoranda of all decisions taken by the Executive Committee and by members' general assemblys.

These memoranda, as well as all correspondence entered into between the association, association bodies and members are to be written in English.



Article 14. Bringing the Articles into Force

During the course of the court registration process, the Executive Committee is empowered to amend any sections of the articles that the court rejects, insofar as such amendments are necessary for formal legal or tax legislation reasons. The general membership is to be advised without delay of such changes.



Article 15. Severability Clause

Should an individual provision of these articles be or become legally unenforceable, the remaining entries in the articles shall remain unaffected.

